Global Key Message
- 90% of all girls 9-14 years of age protected by HPV vaccination
- 70% of women at age 35 and age 45 protected by cervical cancer screening with a precision HPV test
- 90% access to treatment for all women with precancerous lesions and invasive cervical cancer

The Facts
There is no greater tragedy than a life lost needlessly. 300,000 plus women die each year from cervical cancer, a completely preventable disease, and we continue to see 600,000 new cases annually, with disproportionate disease burden and death occurring in LMICs and in poor, remote, and marginalized groups within countries. After small-scale and unsustainable national efforts, the Global Strategy represents a step-change - with emphasis on a population-based and outcomes-focused scale-up for impact. By making elimination a component of the national SDG response, programmes will tackle inequities and uphold the right of women and girls to health throughout their lives.
Meeting the Challenge
All countries should update their NCCP or have a dedicated cervical cancer elimination strategy aligned with the global strategy and 2030 targets by 2022.
Three drivers for success in the next ten years are:
- a focus on addressing intolerable inequities in access to health information, prevention, early detection, treatment and palliative care services
- structuring of cost-effective approaches that progressively realise the targets, ensuring sustainable financial support and social protection
- engaging women, including cancer survivors, as agents of change. Making communities the heart of the response and putting women at the centre is essential to eventual success.
Key Tools
Globocan 2018 Cervical Cancer factsheet
Global strategy towards eliminating cervical cancer as a public health problem
WHO Cervical Cancer Country Profiles 2021
WHO Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing (C4P) Tool
The Cervical Cancer Action for Elimination
Cervical cancer elimination in Africa: where are we now and where do we need to be?
Country Example