World Cancer Declaration Target: 
Target 6 Universal access to screening and early detection for cancer
Campaign title: 
Be Clear on Cancer
Description of the campaign: 
Be Clear on Cancer campaigns aim to improve early diagnosis of cancer by raising public awareness of signs and/or symptoms of cancer, and to encourage people to see their GP without delay. The programme is led by Public Health England, working in partnership with the Department of Health, NHS England and Cancer Research UK. Each campaign is tested locally and then regionally, with a view to rolling them out nationally if they prove to be effective.
More information: 

Be Clear on Cancer campaigns are targeted at men and women over the age of 50 living in England, and aim to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer, encourage those with symptoms to see their doctor early and promote the benefits of early diagnosis.

The following campaigns have been implemented under the "Be Clear on Cancer" programme:


If audio visual, is the original sourced material suitable for broadcast on TV?: 
Can the material be adapted locally?: 
Contact the campaign owner
Primary Sources
More details: 
Public Health England, Department of Health and NHS England collate and analyse a number of data sets relating to each campaign. The evaluation metrics are carefully considered for each campaign. Where necessary or relevant, additional metrics are added to the evaluation plan.
Accompanying report for the campaign: 
Evaluation report